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Affordable Legal Document Services
In Calaveras & Amador Counties

Documents & Services

Welcome To AlphaDocs

Welcome to AlphaDocs, your trusted legal document preparation company, providing efficient and affordable document services in the areas of family law, divorce, custody and visitation, child and spousal support, restraining orders, guardianships, conservatorships, and small claims legal matters. Our mission is to help you professionally prepare, file, and serve your legal papers with confidence and speed.

At AlphaDocs, we understand that legal matters can be time consuming and stressful. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of services to assist you in preparing and filing the necessary documents for your case. Our document services include:

1. Family Law: We provide assistance with drafting, filing, and serving documents related to marriage dissolution, legal separation, parentage, and other family law matters.

2. Divorce: Our team can help you prepare and file the required paperwork for an uncontested divorce, ensuring that your rights and interests are protected throughout the process. Alternatively, if your divorce is contested, we can help you prepare, file, and serve various papers to facilitate your case, such as Petitions, Responses, Declarations of Disclosure, and Motions to obtain interim orders while your case is pending.

3. Custody and Visitation: We can help you draft, file, and serve custody and visitation agreements or motions.

4. Child and Spousal Support: Our experienced team can assist you in preparing, filing, and serving documents related to child and spousal support.

5. Restraining Orders: If you need to file a restraining order, or respond to a restraining order, we can help you prepare and file the necessary paperwork to protect yourself and your loved ones.

6. Guardianships and Conservatorships: We can assist you in establishing guardianships and conservatorships.

7. Small Claims Legal Matters: Our team can help you prepare, file, and serve small claims documents, increasing your chances of a successful outcome.

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